Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Short Scrubba update.

I tried my Scrubba.  I put in two tea towels of moderate filthiness and two dish wash clothes of high, sat in the sink too long, grossness.  First, twist the top tighter than I did, I got a complementary floor wash, courtesy of me, with my Scrubba wash.  A loose top leaks!


I used hot water which may or may not be available in future travels but I assume will be available in Oaxaca. 

A bit o'soap.  A couple minutes of foot scrubba-ing, a cold water rinse,

and boom, wet tea towels.  

Wait a day.  Boom, dry and clean kitchen clothes.  Equally as clean as if i had thrown them in the wash.
Verdict:  it'll do.  It's definitely better than using a shallow hotel bathroom sink.  

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting indeed! Looking forward to following you and your clean clothes an this trip! Leslie
